MR Diffusion

Magnetic Resonance Diffusion measurment beyond standard NMR systems.



专用的扩散探针是提供增加分辨率和Q空间实验中分辨率的最终工具。高梯度强度和快速切换时间可实现扩散系数的样品的扩散研究5 x 10-15m2/s,从而可以在较大范围内检测各种扩散时间,并研究X-核中,这需要高梯度强度。



This accessory provides state of the art MR Diffusion capabilities, very strong gradients together with high resolution MR probe technology together allowing to extend the high-resolution spectroscopy seemlessly into the range of big, slow diffusion molecules. On the other hand it also allows investigating more exotic systems, e.g. porous media.



The MR Diffusion accessory is a user-friendly routine diffusion package which contains both state-of-the art hardware and software which enables non-expert and expert user to take full control of their MR experiment - whether running routine diffusion investigation or developing highly sophisticated diffusion sequences.

MR Diffusion Accessory Package


Diffusion Rack

  • 1x Great60梯度放大器
  • Safety controller

RF探针 /梯度

  • Probe body
  • rf coils
  • Topspin
  • DIFF
  • Dynamic Center

MR Diffusion Probes



Bruker MR Microscopy / MR Diffusion hardware is flexible and powerful, whether performing routine measurements, creating new demanding methods or investigating new types of objects. Bruker Great60 gradient amplifier combines strong gradient pulses with up to 60 A and fast switching times with stability over a large bandwidth, low distortion, linearity and low noise.



The MR Diffusion cabinet is required for all Bruker wide bore or standard bore diffusion gradient coils, requiring one gradient amplifiers. To enable high performance applications with large current amplitudes, fast switching and high duty cycles all MR Diffusion gradient coils are water cooled by a close looped water chiller with built-in temperature, cooling fluid level and flow rate remote monitoring.

1 x Great 60 amplifiers

  • Linear current amplifier 100 V 60 A
  • Digital preemphasis and B0 compensation
  • Current blanking
  • Digital signal distribution to eliminate interference from ground connections
  • 1 µs timing resolution
  • 20 bit amplitude resolution
  • Gradient coil supervision (power / temperature)


MR Diffusion accessory: 1 Great 60 amplifiers and safety controller mounted in the rack.



TopSpin®设定了NMR数据分析的行业标准以及NMR光谱的获取和处理。Topspin®软件4.0的最新版本具有新的,用户友好的GUI,可轻松访问大量的实验库,包括标准的Bruker Pulse序列和为工业用户和学术用户提供的用户生成的实验库。必威东盟体育

Thediff软件包is a comprehensive software to simplify the set-up of diffusion experiments. To focus on physically relevant diffusion parameters, machine level settings are replaced by experiment level parameters. For example, rather than setting the gradient strength in percent, the gradient strength is given in physical units. The user can select between Gauss/cm, mT/m, T/m and Hz/cm (1H). For experimentally relevant parameters, like the diffusion time, thediff程序计算所有相关delays building the diffusion time and provides a lower limit given by the unavoidable delays in the sequence. In other words, the users do not need to know, which delays form the diffusion time, they only need to specify the diffusion time and the program will automatically set the other parameters. Most of the parameters will be checked for reasonable upper and lower limits.

Thediffprogram covers the standard diffusion/DOSY experiments. It also offers a couple of “2D” methods, where “2D” stands for 2 non-FT or dynamic dimensions, for example like DDCOSY having 2 orthogonal diffusion dimensions, or DRCOSY having a diffusion and a relaxation dimension. The number of available methods will continue to grow in the future.

There are also new setup experiments and pure T1 and T2 experiments.

Thediff程序准备数据分析Dynamics Centerand triggers the automatic analysis in Dynamics Center.

Dynamic Center是一个易于使用和集成的平台,具有通用动力学和蛋白质动力学。它提供了直观的,面向方法的工作流程,用于分析广泛的实验。

扩散配件与MNOVAsoftware suite.



Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.
