Benchtop NMR

NMR in Forensic Analysis



In the field of forensics, the chemical identification of unknown substances is an emerging challenge. Narcotics and other drugs are often unidentified, new psychoactive substances that require sophisticated analytical techniques such as NMR for identification.

The police, customs authorities, governmental and toxicology laboratories involved in forensic analysis require state-of-the-art scientific instruments for the unambiguous detection of suspicious materials that have been seized.

Determining the True Nature of Suspicious Substances



作为分析和诊断NMR解决方案的主要开发商,布鲁克为许多在40多个国家 /地区的警察,海关,联邦,州和边境控制实验室工作的客户提供服务,提供80多种高性能的NMR系统。

AV400 Nanobay Bruker的投资组合包括两种用于取证应用的最高质量NMR仪器:傅立叶Crimelab台式NMR光谱仪和Avance NEO高分辨率光谱仪。

Distributed Laboratory Topology

Bruker在中央科学中心的高分辨率Avance NEO NMR光谱仪及其傅立叶犯罪式台式NMR光谱仪在地方政府卫星实验室中的结合,在法医分析领域引入了一种新的多层拓扑。

布鲁克的专家NMR软件包TopSpinthat accompanies both instrument lines frees NMR operators up to support any kind of analysis, even remotely. Additionally, novice NMR users can use customizable pre-defined data acquisition choices in the GoScan software on the Fourier CrimeLab.

This multi-level topology with nationally or internationally interlinked laboratories and harmonized methodologies provides a new platform for coherent data generation, reduced time-to-results and enhanced training synergies.

Determining the True Nature of Suspicious Substances

The Fourier CrimeLab can be used to obtain structural information about new psychoactive substances that determines the true nature of seized materials and generates reliable, robust evidence that can be used for legal proceedings. This is vital, as commonly used methods cannot identify and quantify unknown substances without compound specific reference standards available.

Dedicated software packages included within the Fourier CrimeLab can be used to build up and maintain a database on suspicious substances that can be shared and accessed for future identification.

In the fight against narcotics trafficking, Bruker fosters the global networking of law enforcement agencies and the international networks and programs that support using NMR solutions to identify and quantify illicit drugs. In addition to in-house libraries, forensic drug laboratories can take advantage of the NPS Data Hub - an independent, non-commercial narcotics data sharing platform for law enforcement authorities.

该交互式数据中心是由美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)与德国联邦刑事警察局(Bundeskriminalamt; BKA)和美国药物执法局(DEA)合作开发的。

Convenient, Benchtop Tool for Accurate NMR Forensic Analysis


借助直接操作和直观的软件,Fourier Crimelab使科学家能够获得确定的答案NMR提供,即使他们不是NMR专家。

Product Authentication: Purity IQ - Shoppers Drug Mart



Analyzing Post-Mortem Changes of Metabolites by NMR

Forensic science is a key tool in courts of law; it provides scientific evidence that can be crucial in achieving a conviction or acquittal. The evidence it can provide includes fingerprint identification, DNA profiling, blood stain pattern analysis, and time of death or the post-mortem interval (PMI).

Use of an “Intrinsic” Internal Standard to Quantitate CBD in Hemp Seed Samples

大麻是大麻sativa L.植物的一种非精神活性形式,用于广泛的应用,其化学成分因此持续了兴趣。特别是,大麻种子既用作食品和药物来源,又有营养概况被认为具有多种健康益处。这导致人们对快速可靠的分析方法的需求不断增长,以表征大麻种子产品中发现的化合物。

Extracting High-value Products from Hemp Waste

大麻纤维(大麻)是培养(bast fiber) and its edible seeds as well as some medicinal products [1]. When bast fibers are separated from the hemp stem, what’s left is called hemp hurds. These woody residues are the least valuable part of the hemp stem and are treated as a by-product of fiber production, even though they represent the largest fraction of the hemp plant.






Like many countries, Germany has had to contend with the rise of designer drugs or new psychoactive substances (NPS) since the emergence of ‘Spice’ in 2008. The suppliers of these drugs exploit loopholes in the law that mean that newly emerging compounds that have not yet been identified and scheduled by the authorities are not illegal.