Unlocking 3D Nanostructure in Neurons with Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SML)

Rob Hobson, Ph.D. discusses the benefits of SML microscopy and its applications on the convention hall floor at NEUROSCIENCE 2019.

本课程是记录在201年神经科学9 in the Bruker booth and was presented as part of a series of short, in-booth presentations about the technologies on display at the conference.

Rob Hobson, Ph.D., a Bruker Applications Scientist, discusses the following topics in this presentation filled with examples:

  • how single molecule localization (SML) microscopy works
  • the Vutara 352 SML super resolution microscopes and SXR software
  • SML applications in neuroscience
  • a new integrated fluidics unit for sequential labelling applications