Microbial Identification for Clinical Laboratories (US-IVD)

MALDI Biotyper® CA Reference Library (US-IVD)

The heart of the MALDI Biotyper® CA System, enabling fast, accurate and reliable microorganism identification


MALDI Biotyper® CA Reference Library

The principle behind identification of microorganisms with the MALDI Biotyper®(MBT) CA System is the comparison of the mass spectrum of an unknown organism with a library of reference mass spectra.

Bruker has invested substantial resources to collecting as many species and obtaining as broad strain coverage as possible, to build up the most comprehensive libraries for users. As an ever-evolving platform, the MBT has a broader identification scope than all other molecular platforms.


The pillars of the MALDI Biotyper® CA System

The FDA-cleared MALDI Biotyper® CA System workflow is split into two divisions:

Clinically validated species——谱生物型®CA library includes 488 microbial species in different groups, covering anaerobes, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as yeasts.

Non-clinically validated species– The non-clinically validated library consists of reference patterns from more than 2,000 species, which have not been clinically validated. In the interest of public healthcare, these organisms are specially marked and displayed in the MALDI Biotyper®result report in order to direct the required alternate laboratory method for identification. Results for non-clinically validated organisms cannot be transmitted from the MBT CA to the laboratory information system.

Only for sale in the USA and Puerto Rico.