Test & Measurement

Stylus Profilers

Best-In-Class Stylus Profilers

Bruker's Dektak® stylus profilers are the culmination of over five decades of proprietary technology advances. They provide repeatable, reliable, and accurate measurements- from traditional step height measurements and 2D roughness surface characterization to advanced 3D mapping and film stress analyses.Dektak surface profilers have been widely accepted as the gold standard for measuring thin film thickness, stress, surface roughness and form in diverse applications areas from academic research to semiconductor process control.


Dektak品牌拥有第一位用于薄膜测量值的参考器,这是第一个基于微处理器的Profiler,这是第一个具有3D功能,第一个基于PC的Profiler和第一位自动化300mm Profiler的参考器。现在,dektakxt继续开拓“第一”的遗产,是第一个实施单轴设计的手写笔伪造者,第一个结合了简单可靠的手写笔交易所,也是第一个使用Harness 64位并行处理体系结构来实现最佳测量和最佳测量运营效率。

Designed for Unmatched Stylus Profilometry

Dektak Webinar Series

Our webinars cover best practices, introduce new products, provide quick solutions to tricky questions, and offer ideas for new applications, modes, or techniques.

Service and Support

How Can We Help?

Bruker partners with our customers to solve real-world application issues. We develop next-generation technologies and help customers select the right system and accessories. This partnership continues through training and extended service, long after the tools are sold.

我们的训练有素的团队的支持工程师,达成ication scientists and subject-matter experts are wholly dedicated to maximizing your productivity with system service and upgrades, as well as application support and training.

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