eBook: A Guide to FT-NIR Spectroscopy in the Chemical Lab

eBook: A Guide to FT-NIR Spectroscopy in the Chemical Lab

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eBook: A Guide to FT-NIR Spectroscopy in the Chemical Lab


QA/QC in the chemical and petrochemical industry is a complex task. To guarantee customer satisfaction, the products need to be in spec at all times. Often, many different parameters need to be analyzed with dedicated instruments and complex workflows. Timing is also very critical – the production team requires results in minutes, not hours. FT-NIR can help you to streamline the analysis routines in the lab. It is often able to analyze many different parameters with just one measurement and without any sample preparation saving labour and money.

What's in it?

The eBook is packed with information on how to use FT-NIR spectroscopy in the chemical, petrochemical and polymer lab. It highlights the different applications and technologies used and contains multiple links for further reading.

  • Why FT-NIR – get the fundamentals
  • FT-NIR spectrometers for the lab
  • Chemical applicationsPetrochemical applications
  • Polymer applications
  • Summing it up

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