

August 27, 2009


BREMEN, Germany- (商业资讯) - 八月。27,2009-18Th国际质谱法会议(IMSC)将开放 8月30日, 在 Bremen, Germany,这也是 布鲁克Daltonics,创新生活科学质谱工具的领先开发商。

除了支持IMSC作为铂金赞助商,并在科学会议计划中提出50多个贡献 布鲁克Daltonics has organized various workshops, customer days, exhibitions and company tours to present its mass spectrometry innovations to the scientific community:

  • 8月30日星期日Th 布鲁克·多尔顿学国际用户会议
  • 8月31日星期一英石and 9月1日星期二英石:Workshop Series “Achieving Highest Confidence with Complex Small Molecules Samples”, and “New Tools for Biomarker Discovery”, presented by MS experts including 唐·理查兹(Don Richards)(( 辉瑞中央研究有限公司, 英国), 托尼·布里斯托(( 阿斯利康, 英国), 加里·科斯(Gary Corthals)(TCB, 芬兰), 和 伯恩哈德·库斯特,(TU 德国慕尼黑
  • 8月31日星期一英石and 9月1日星期二英石:在我们的现场仪器演示 Bremen工厂设施
  • 9月2日星期三nd:Bruker Daltonics Factory Tours全天跑步;

在IMSC 2009上 布鲁克第一次礼物 欧洲许多真正创新的高性能质谱平台展示了布鲁克(Bruker)的“持续革命”运动,使生命科学界的科学研究范围不断增加,以及高级应用和临床方法:

  • maXis™revolutioniz启用一套技术要领e the way scientists study protein primary and secondary structures, modifications, folding and function, will be demonstrated live at IMSC 2009 to an audience of international scientists. The maXis™ is a unique high-speed Ultra-High Resolution TOF (UHR-TOF) mass spectrometer for highest performance with no-compromise for small molecule and proteomics applications. Following on from its successful introduction in 2008 and the large number of installations completed worldwide in many leading pharmaceutical and academic laboratories, the next generation maXis including high-performance ETD is now a reality. For further information:www.bdal.com/maxis
  • ultrafleXtreme™is the only fully 1 kHz MS and MS/MS enabled MALDI-TOF/TOF system available and incorporates the new smartbeam™-II laser technology and a 4 GHz digitizer. Its unmatched proteomics performance shows broad-band mass resolving power up to 40,000 and 1 ppm mass accuracy. Its unique flexibility allows LC-MALDI TOF/TOF, label-free quantitation, top-down intact protein analysis, Edmass™ protein sequencing, polymer characterization and oligonucleotide analysis. A rapid self-cleaning ion source, industry-leading imaging software and laser focal diameters down to 10 µm deliver the most powerful and complete MALDI imaging system on the market. In addition, as recently announced, the integration of the Carl Zeiss’ MIRAX Virtual Slide Scanner has enabled revolutionary advances in non-targeted molecular histology with high spatial resolution (research use only). Further information:www.bdal.com/ultraflextreme
  • Amazon™是今天可用的最快的离子陷阱,为0.58 U质量分辨率为52,000 U/秒扫描速率。新颖的专有双离子漏斗技术的整合通过数量级提高了灵敏度,而用于蛋白质组学的第二代ETD / PTR模块可提供无与伦比的ETD敏感性,具有较高的鲁棒性和易用性。在M/z 50-3000上,在全扫描模式下,大量解决功率最高可达20,000,这使自上而下的ETD实验成为现实。快速的MS数据采集速度为20 Hz,具有零延迟的极性切换,也使亚马逊成为基于光谱库(包括临床毒理学和取证)的所有快速筛选应用程序的理想工具。更多信息:www.bdal.com/amazon
  • Solarix™是下一代混合FTMS系统,其灵敏度提高了10倍,宽带超高分辨率(7 t时> 1,000,000> 1,000,000)增长了8倍,并且在广泛的动态范围内获得了子PPM质量精度。完整的工程重新设计使该仪器非常强大,功能独特,同时也易于使用。Solarix是对自上而下蛋白质组学中非常复杂的混合物的理想选择,现在将ETD和ECD作为标准蛋白质组学工具。其他应用包括在双ESI/MALDI源系统上的石化,代谢组学以及小分子药物和代谢物MALDI成像。在IMSC 2009上,布鲁克·道尔顿学(Bruker Daltonics)宣布了世界上第一个的可用性18特斯拉(T)magnetdesigned for FTMS applications. This unique magnet system represents the world’s highest field FTMS magnet, providing record-breaking scientific capabilities that can be applied to some of today’s most important, complex and challenging protein, polymer and small molecule analyses. For further information:www.bdal.com/solarix

Bruker Daltonics工作人员将在展览时间内进行深入的会议 布鲁克'sIMSC展位D在星期一至周五的4.0厅。周一晚上,CCB劳埃德室的酒店套房营业6- 晚上9点。周二在著名的“布雷默·拉特斯凯尔”(Bremer Ratskeller)举办了一次特别的晚间活动Th世纪 Bremen市政厅。晚上的招待会将于周三举行 - 晚上7点at the 布鲁克4.0厅的展位。有关布鲁克的IMSC活动的更多信息,请访问必威官网体育下载www.bdal.com/imsc

关于布鲁克·道尔顿学:有关有关的更多信息 布鲁克DaltOnics和 布鲁克公司(纳斯达克:BRKR),请访问www.bdal.comandwww.fatactor.com



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类别: Press Releases