







Doping and Drug Abuse Testing in Body Fluids


Rapid, unambiguous detection and identification of drugs and related compounds in numerous samples are essential prerequisites for forensic drug screening. Since positive samples returns can have severe consequences for the tested person/animal, it is of utmost importance to acquire reliable data.

  • Offers precise target compound identification and quantification
  • 对目标化合物确认的子PPM水平的信心
  • Very high selectivity and mulit-target screening with high resolution EICs
  • Allows retrospective screening of the data should new drugs enter the ‘banned list’
  • 强大的工作流程,用于完全未知和未靶向的化合物和代谢物,确保检测到“新或设计师”药物

Detection of Synthetic Urine in Sports Doping Tests

With the increase in scrutiny over the use of doping for performance enhancement in sport, so have efforts to find new ways to avoid detection. One such method is the use of synthetic urine for submission to random and regular drug tests. Containing metabolites, creatine, urea and uric acid, the synthetic urine products are difficult to distinguish from natural samples.

布鲁克的S2 picofoxTotal Reflection XRF (TXRF) instrument provides an innovative solution for rapid, high-precision elemental analysis of liquids, allowing qualitative comparison of natural and synthetic urine, or fully quantitative analysis of select key element discriminators.

Counterfeit Drugs


Counterfeited drugs are falsified products that are deliberately mislabeled in terms of identity, efficacy, safety and/or origin with malicious intent. Counterfeiting is not limited to brand-name drugs, but is also widespread for generic drugs. Forged drugs pose a serious risk to public health, as they may contain products that:

  • have no active ingredient at all
  • contain the correct API, but in insufficient quantity
  • contain an active substance other than the one specified,
  • 含有不探究甚至有毒物质

Illegal Drugs


全球法律当局正在改变他们在反对毒品战争中的方法。In multiple studies, harm prevention efforts have shown a decrease in drug related deaths and increase in safety on festivals were illegal drugs circulate freely.

Around the world, FT-IR spectroscopy is used in pharmacies, on festivals, huge parties and raves to check drugs for their identity. Often it is revealed that the purchased substance is in fact a life threatening substitute like household cleaner.

TheCanadian Drug Policy Coalitionbrings all the facts straight to the point with a simple statement: "Harm Reduction is a comprehensive, just and science-based approach to substance use. It represents policies, strategies and services, which aim to assist people who use legal and illegal psychoactive drugs to live safer and healthier lives. "

观看节日季节如何使用Alpha II FT-IR来减少伤害并防止过量服用。


Infrared spectroscopy quickly and reliably identifies legal and illegal substances in-house or on the road. It is ideal for law enforcement, security and safety organizations tos save time and money by conducting their own analysis.

  • 明确的识别(固体,液体,糊状...)
  • 没有样品准备,没有溶剂,没有消耗量
  • 专用Tictac Communications Ltd药物数据库
  • 快速分析和无损


Customs and border control authorities are facing unprecedented challenges due to fraudulent activity across several sectors, ranging from narcotics, doping agents, global waste trade, chemical warfare agents and even explosives manufacturing.




PMIof Illicit Substances with XRD

Illicit substances often come in the form of fine white powders. Difficult to tell from one another and from common household items like powdered sugar. X-ray Diffraction is used by enforcement services around the globe to quickly and unambiguously identify these materials.

台式D2 Phaser XRD解决方案已在世界各地的许多实验室和现场部位部署,以供非法物质的阳性物质鉴定(PMI)。谢谢州警察圣加伦(CH);法医能力中心;Frank Gfeller博士用于样品和分析。


Other Bruker Solutions for Criminal Forensic Analysis

Bruker的泰坦和CTX XRF解决方案,用于以完全移动格式的固体和液体的Mg到U的元素分析。用于快速识别材料,或用于完全定量的组成分析。必威手机客户端

The field transportable S2 PICOFOX and lab-based S4 T-STAR total reflection XRF spectrometers for elemental analysis of liquids and solids down to sub-ppb detection limits without the need for complex lab infrastructure.


FT-IR and Raman microscopy
asd For micro chemical analysis we offer a comprehensive portfolio of Raman and Infrared microscopes that are perfectly suited to analyze smallest traces as well as brittle or sensitive evidence