Bruker Engineering Specials for Art & Conservation


Bruker Engineering Specials for Art & Conservation

Techniques and approaches in analysis of cultural heritage materials are ever evolving. What directions do you need to go to solve your research questions?

一个工程师团队不断工作的g on advanced prototypes and special projects with reference museums and university groups in the Art and Conservation family.

Correlating Raman and XRF Analyses

Correlating Raman and XRF Analyses

Xraman, our advanced prototype developed to achieve a perfect combination of complementary techniques XRF and Raman on the same spot in position ad size.

This instrument has been engineered to be absolutely portable and to be able to work on site with standard atmospheric conditions.

Raman and XRF spectra on pigment sample
Raman and XRF spectra on pigment sample

Correlating XRD and XRF Analyses

Correlating XRD and XRF analyses

HYDRA, a new combined portable open beam XRF-XRD system for contemporary compositional and structural study of art objects.

The point of measurement is exactly the same as a single excitation source is used while measurements are performed on two separate state of the art detectors.

Correlating NIR and XRF Analyses

Correlating NIR and XRF Analyses

IRIS is the brand new advanced prototype system designed to combine XRF and NIR imaging informations.

The system has been designed to be very flexible and portable capable to work on site on samples of any dimension and shape.

IRIS has been made with co-financing by Regione Lombardia (POR FESR 2014 – 2020)

Sample and results courtesy of Microchemistry and Microscopy Art Diagnostic Laboratory (M2ADL), Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician – University of Bologna

Your Next Bright Idea

Your Next Bright Idea

Our team of engineers is open to discuss new projects to be developed based on new ideas to best meet specific applications.