EPR in Life Science



Crystal structure of P-glycoprotein (3G5U.pdb)
每个附着的氮氧化物分子的EPR光谱显示位置与迁移率之间的相关性。数据由法兰克福大学T. Prisner教授提供(JACS,2012,134,pp 5857-5862)


EPR characterization of paramagnetic centers in cytochrome c oxidase

Cyt C氧化酶的EPR光谱显示血红素A,铜A和蛋白质自由基(蓝色)。数据由法兰克福大学T. Prisner教授提供(J.Phys。Chem。B,2007,111(14),第3839-3846页)


Detection and study of the active site of Cu,Zn-SOD
Many enzyme reactions involve one-electron oxidation steps with formation of paramagnetic transient state of the enzyme detectable by EPR. The paramagnetic center where the unpaired electron is located, is usually centered at a transition metal (metalloproteins) or is an amino acid derived radical. Detection and identification of the paramagnetic centers is important to understand the function of the enzymes. For example, in the native SOD1 enzyme, the active site contains one Cu(II) ion that gives a very characteristic EPR spectrum.

Screening DNP agents

DNP偏振剂的正确浓度对于DNP实验的成功至关重要。即使在MAS转子中,也可以使用专利的跨度模块在DNP实验之前对样品进行预筛选。松弛时间对于DNP效率至关重要,因此在低温下的P1/2测量值以估计新极化剂的DNP效率是无价的。DNP测量中重要性的另一个特征是电子 - 电子偶极耦合,该偶联很容易从溶液和冷冻溶液EPR光谱中测量。

EPR spectrum of DNP agent (bis-TEMPO biradical)
D [G] = 18562/R3 [Å] Dipolar coupling measured: D = 7.9 G. Distance determined: R = 13 Å Data courtesy of Prof. T. Prisner, University of Frankfurt (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 4996)

RNA and DNA oxidation

DNA-derived radicals detected upon CuCl2/H2O2 treatment
EPR spectroscopy in conjunction with spin trapping has been employed successfully to detect and identify high-molecular-weight species generated as a result of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced damage to biological macromolecules, such as DNAs and RNAs. The destruction or alteration of these materials is known to play a key role in a large number of cellular injuries and diseases.

EPR spectrum of N-centered radical upon DNA damage after CuCl2/H2O2 treatment using DMPO as spin trap. Spectrum also consists of two other radicals that are not DNA-derived. Data courtesy of Dr. R. Mason, NIEHS (Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2011 50(11) pp 1536

Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) using spin traps

定量EPR超氧化物的分析and hydroxyl radicals
Oxidative stress and damage in cells is associated with the development of cancer, Alzheimer‘s disease, atherosclerosis, autism, infections and Parkinson‘s disease. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROSs) are the main cause of oxidative stress and damage in cells, causing damage to proteins, lipids and DNA. Two leading ROS are radicals such as the superoxide radical (O2•-) and the hydroxyl radical (HO•) as shown here in the Xanthine/Xanthine oxidase system where their generation and decomposition can be accurately followed with the EMXnano.

SpinCount provides a report showing the time evolution of the concentration of the radicals
EPR spectra and SpinFit simulations of DMPO radical (superoxide and hydroxyl) adducts in xanthine/xanthine oxidase

Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) using spin probes

在血管细胞中,超氧化物的产生增加(O2•-) has been suggested to occur in hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure. Thus the accurate detection and ability to quantify O2•- are critically important in understanding the pathogenesis of these various cardiovascular disorders and other noncardiovascular diseases. As shown here the generation of superoxide over time can be easily monitored with the EMXnano.

Detection of superoxide radical (O2•-) is confirmed by suppression of the EPR signal by superoxide dismutase (SOD)
EPR spectrum of CM• nitroxide due to the reaction: CMH + O2•- –» CM• + H2O2

Nitric oxide

Binding of nitric oxide to oxyhemoglobin detected at 100 K
Nitric Oxide (NO) is a highly reactive regulatory molecule which has many important physiological roles, such as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, a regulator of vasomotor tone in the cardiovascular system, and a cytotoxic mediator of the immune system. NO is a free radical and its short half-life (< 30 sec), has rendered direct measurement difficult. The instability of NO can be overcome by using a NO-trapping technique, in which a more stable complex is formed and subsequently detected by EPR. For example, the oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) to nitrate by oxyhemoglobin (oxyHb) is a fundamental reaction in NO biology and binding of NO to the heme can be characterized by EPR.

EPR spectrum of NO-Hb complex at 100 K with VT unit