




X射线荧光(XRF)为测试珠宝,文化遗产和其他由黄金,铂金或银制成的有价值的物体提供了一种无损的手段。便携式XRF(PXRF),有时称为XRF“ Gun”或Handheld XRF,可从任何位置提供组成和纯度分析。桌面Micro-XRF可以详细提供图层分析。在下面探索布鲁克(Bruker)在XRF分析专家,回收商,炼油厂和散装珠宝专业人士的贵金属分析方面的选择。


Rapid Precious Metal Analysis by Portable XRF

S1 TITANCTXare portable jewelry testers that provide accurate and repeatable karat hallmarking for gold jewelry. The karat is a measure of the purity of gold, with 24 karats being pure gold. Spelled carat in UK English, this fractional measure of gold is extremely important and has been adopted as an official measure in US law. For example, 18 karat gold is 18 parts gold and 6 parts another metal (18+6 = 24). Bruker's elemental analyzers convert the elemental percentages of gold into a karat measurement.


  • 快速测量时间范围为2到15秒

  • On-screen results with output available in percent (%), karat (Kt) or PPM

  • Complete alloy composition from simultaneous multi-element analysis

  • 轻巧且易于使用的乐器不需要高技能的操作员

  • 可下载的结果,用于保存,报告生成和趋势分析



涂料最常用于珠宝,以通过涂上铜或银珠宝涂上一层纯金来改善美学。M1 Mistral,Micro Spot XRF是一种快速且完全无损的方法,用于质量控制装饰性金属珠宝涂料。M1 Mistral可以准确分析金,菱形或钯涂层,以确保正确的厚度和涂料组成。除了涂层厚度分析外,M1 Mistral还可以快速测试珠宝和其他珍贵金属物品的成分和金卡拉值。

Gold Coating is used to deposit a thin layer of pure gold onto the surface of another metal, which is most often copper or silver, by either chemical or electro-chemical plating. It is generally used on low-cost jewelry because it is inexpensive and easy to apply. Thin gold plating lacks durability and can discolor if the jewelry is subject to only normal wear. Most gold plated jewelry is only one micron thick and can be easily analyzed with theM1 Mistral


Rhodium is another commonly used jewelry coating, it is silvery-white and very hard precious metal that is used to guard the surface against scratches. It also gives a nice reflective white appearance. It is most commonly used on white gold jewelry but it is used also for silver and other materials.



S1 TITANCTXprovide portable and robust platforms for the analysis of silver. Pure silver (Ag), known as Fine Silver or 999.5 fineness, is much too soft to use in jewelry. However, it can be used in many other applications such as electrical components, bearings for jet engines, the formation of chemicals like formaldehyde and ethylene oxide and much more. Typically, for jewelry, silver is alloyed with another metal such as copper (Cu) to provide strength. Sterling Silver (Ag), the world standard for silver jewelry, contains 92.5% silver and usually 7.5% copper. Example applications for portable XRF include:

  • Silver jewelry manufacturers can verify the purity of the silver they purchase to make jewelry as well as monitor their own process in alloying pure silver.

  • 珠宝经销商可以在购买硬币,珠宝或“纯”银之前当场确定白银纯度

  • 回收商可以识别电池,电池和催化剂中的银含量

  • 博物馆可以根据纸张的银含量(以及其他元素)身份验证和出处照片

  • 人工制品中的银含量可以帮助确定出处

Platinum Group Elements


在购买,销售或回收铂金属金属(PGMS) - 铂(PT),钯(PD)和若iu愧时,重要的是要快速,有效,可靠地确定纯度。布鲁克S1 TITANorCTX可以提供充分利用当今市场所需的信心和速度。仅在几秒钟内就可以确定铂和其他贵金属的纯度和价值:

  • 实验室质量由紧凑的电池供电仪器产生

  • No hazardous waste, chemicals, or consumables

  • 精确测量重要的金属含量,例如93%至95%的铂

  • Excellent correlation to lab results, without the high cost of sending samples to an outside lab

  • 除了PGMS-CERIUM(CE),Lanthanum(La),Iron(Fe),Nickel(Ni)和铜(Cu),锌(Zn),锌(ZR),锆(ZR),Barium(ba),Barium(ba),Barium(ba),Barium(ba),除了PGMS-CERIUM(CE),Lanthanum(la),铁(Fe),镍(ni),镍(ni),镍(ni),镍(BA),碳(BA),碳(BA),稀有(BA),osmium(OS)和铅(PB)