The Microplastics Analysis Experts for FT-IR and Raman Microscopy

Years of experience have guided us to come up with dedicated, complete spectroscopic solutions to microplastics analysis. Our FT-IR and Raman microscopes are used daily by leading microplastic scientists, worldwide.


The Microplastics Analysis Experts for FT-IR and Raman Microscopy

布鲁克is proud to be deeply involved in themicroplastic社区。对于我们来说,不仅是直接客户联系,而且还包括在内蒙普拉斯或与工业合作伙伴必威东盟体育Purency. As an analytical instrument provider, we work hard to develop new strategies and simple solutions to generate harmonized, uniform microplastics data - side by side with international scientists.

Together, we are able to sheds some light on the critical issue of micro- and nanoplastic pollution and provide clear answers to urgent questions. Would you like to learn more?


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