Atomic Force Microscope


First-and-only no-compromise high-speed AFM

Основные моменты


The Dimension FastScan®atomic force microscope (AFM) system is specifically designed to scan fast without loss of resolution, loss of force control, added complexity, or additional operating costs. With FastScan you achieve immediate AFM images with the expected high resolution of a high-performance AFM. Whether you scan at >125Hz when surveying a sample to find the region of interest, or at time rates of 1-second per image frame in air or fluid, FastScan redefines the AFM experience.

Delivers highest resolution any time, every time, independent of sample size.
nanoscale dynamics
setup, data acquisition, and analysis
Makes system operation surprisingly simple while enhancing prductivity, allowing you to focus on your research.



Benchmark for High Speed and High Resolution

Dimension FastScan是第一和仅高速尖端扫描系统,可在不损害分辨率或系统性能的情况下达到每秒扫描速率的框架,而与样本量无关。没有其他高速AFM可以对FastScan进行大量样本访问。加上PeakForce Tapping®,该系统通过线性控制环实现瞬时力量测量,允许点缺陷尺寸和机械分辨率,而不仅仅是在坚硬的平坦晶体上。

方解石的点缺陷分辨率刚度图像。15 nm图像尺寸(面板1)。IPMMA膜的分子分辨率粘附图像。100 nm图像尺寸(面板2)。样本由Martin-Luther-UniversitätHalle-Wittenberg教授Thurn-Albrecht教授提供。

Exceptional Productivity

Completely unattended, automated, fully self-optimizing imaging of six different samples within ten minutes, yielding publication-quality results in each case.

Every facet of the Dimension FastScan — from wide-open tip and sample access to preconfigured software settings — has been specifically engineered for trouble-free, surprisingly simple operation. Fast sample navigation, fast engaging, fast scanning, low-noise, less than 200 pm per minute of drift rate over hours, an expanded intuitive user interface, and the world-renowned Dimension platform combine to deliver an entirely new experience in AFM, while ensuring high-quality data with faster time to results and publication. FastScan users can achieve immediate high-quality results without the usual hours of expert tweaking.

More Applications and New Insights Faster

Sample surveying is a common way to explore unknown samples to understand heterogeneity, unique feature characteristics, and mechanical properties. Here are the results of a FastScan sample survey, which produced a set of high-quality images ranging from high-resolution topography images of a 20 μm area to subsections 10 times smaller than the original scan. The results from one 8 minute scan are 16 megapixels of data in multiple channels, where high-resolution data is observed with clarity.

Investigate forces driving wetting and de-wetting on polystyrene films (<100nm thick) on hydrophobically treated silicon surfaces.
Amorphous drug formulations study, capturing 60 sites in 60 minutes. Samples courtesy M. E. Lauer, O. Grassmann, F. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Basel, Switzerland.




With an unrivalled suite of imaging modes available, Bruker has an AFM technique for every investigation.






We have been using the Bruker Fastscan AFM for more than two years. In our experience, Fastscan images four to five times faster without degrading resolution compared to other AFMs. In addition, ScanAsyst mode with intelligent auto scan parameter adjustment enables us to quickly scan many samples with ease. The superior Fastscan AFM performance has advanced our group’s reputation with many publications in DNA nanotechnology research.

Shou-jun Xiao博士, Nanjing University, Nanjing China

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