



刚开始使用EPR的人常常发现解析EPR谱是一项艰巨的任务。布鲁克的SpinFit和Anisotropic SpinFit模拟程序是很好的资源,可以使谱图解析任务更容易。目标受众是目前正在使用EPR并需要解谱的人,我们当然也鼓励刚开始接触EPR的人参加。



日期 主题
10:00 AM EST
A general introduction to EPR simulations -This provides important concepts to fully benefit from the future practical demonstrations. It includes an introduction to the spin Hamiltonian, line shape models, as well as fitting. Emphasis is on solution state spectra.

Dr. Ralph Weber, Dr. Boris Dzikovski, Dr. Kalina Ranguelova

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10:00 AM EST
A practical demonstration on simulating spin trapping data using SpinFit -This session introduces spin-trapping technique to detect and analyze short-lived radical species such as reactive oxygen species. Examples of EPR spectra with one and multiple spin-trapped radicals will give insight how to use integrated SpinFit library in the Bruker software followed by quantitative analysis. Dr. Ralph Weber, Dr. Boris Dzikovski, Dr. Kalina Ranguelova Register Now
10:00 AM EST
A practical demonstration on simulating common solution state spectra using SpinFit -This session will demonstrate how to use SpinFit and SpinCount modules to simulate and quantify organic radicals and transition metals in solutions based on various experimental data. Dr. Ralph Weber, Dr. Boris Dzikovski, Dr. Kalina Ranguelova Register Now
10:00 AM EST
An introduction to simulating solid-state spectra -Simulating solid-state spectra is very different from solution state spectra. Topics included here are powder patterns and averaging and additional line shape models. Dr. Ralph Weber, Dr. Boris Dzikovski, Dr. Kalina Ranguelova Register Now
10:00 AM EST
Starting an Anisotropic SpinFit simulation -This session will be focused in detail on two examples of using Anisotropic SpinFit. We show how to obtain spin-Hamiltonian information by simple line shape analysis and how to set the starting parameters for successful fitting using this information. Dr. Ralph Weber, Dr. Boris Dzikovski, Dr. Kalina Ranguelova Register Now
10:00 AM EST

A practical demonstration on simulating solid-state EPR spectra using Anisotropic SpinFit -Using examples of diverse spin systems, this session will show how to use Anisotropic SpinFit and SpinCount to simulate EPR spectra and to quantify paramagnetic species in the solid-state.

Dr. Ralph Weber, Dr. Boris Dzikovski, Dr. Kalina Ranguelova Register Now