Confocal Microscope

Opterra II

4D fluorescence confocal microscope for live-cell imaging


Opterra II

Building on the swept-field confocal (SFC) technology of Bruker’s first-generation Opterra, the Opterra II system is the latest advancement in high-speed fluorescence microscopy designed specifically for live-cell studies. It utilizes proprietary one-dimensional pinhole array technology to combine the resolution of traditional confocal systems with the speed typically associated with wide-field imaging. With specialized input optics that produce a highly uniform field of view and a sensitive CCD camera for detection, the system produces quantitative data in all dimensions while ensuring cell viability. The user-selectable aperture sizes provide flexibility to achieve the optimal balance of speed, resolution, and fluorescence intensity in real time.

speed, resolution, and intensity
Enables optimization of experimental conditions across an array of life science research applications.
field uniformity
Delivers quantitative analysis of acquired images in all dimensions.
Allows time-lapsed volumetric studies even on the most sensitive specimens.



Bruker设计了Opterra II,以根据实验要求灵活调整速度,分辨率和荧光强度。Opterra II的独特扫描仪设计具有机动的孔径板,其中包含三种不同尺寸的针孔和四个不同宽度的缝隙。一维针孔阵列的使用比基于二维阵列(例如旋转磁盘共聚焦显微镜)的系统具有显着优势。Opterra阵列产生二维阵列的串扰的一半或更少,从而产生具有出色光学截面和更大深度的更清晰的图像。针孔提供最大的分辨率,而SLITS则可以进行更高的速度采集,并且由于Aperture选择由软件控制,因此将所选光圈与每个目标最佳匹配非常容易。

通过嵌入胶原蛋白纤维的200 um凝胶对信噪比的z堆栈比较。左:旋转磁盘系统。右:Opterra II。样本由威斯康星大学布莱恩·伯克尔(Brian Burkel)提供。


Pancreas tumor section, 3D montage of 2 mm x 1.5 mm area at 60x.

The Opterra II has been specifically designed to evenly illuminate the field of view. When measured by a beam profiler, beyond the pinhole aperture plate, the illumination beam shows 3% to 4% deviation across the field. The fluorescence that is emitted from the specimen must also be effectively transmitted though the imaging system to the camera. The Opterra II’s excellent and guaranteed field uniformity is a standard feature, works with multiple dichroics, and provides unparalleled quantitative performance right out of the box. For example, when fluorescence emission of a concentrated dye solution is measured at the camera, the deviation across the field is guaranteed to be less than 10%.

Low Phototoxicity and Photobleaching

Opterra II旨在通过最大程度地减少激发光的曝光时间,并仅在需要时向特定位置传递光,以控制激发光的剂量。可以在软件中调整共聚焦光圈和曝光时间的大小,以最大程度地减少每个样品的激发光。还对光路进行了优化,以确保发射光子有效地传输到检测器并收集。Opterra II允许研究人员对其他仪器(例如标准共聚焦显微镜)进行高度敏感样品的研究,这不仅是因为样品保持活力,还因为细胞功能的维持尽可能接近生物条件。

Zebrafish embryo, 8 hour timelapse, 80 plane stacks every 5 minutes.


125 frames per second imaging of Xenopus red blood cells in gills. Playback at 5x slow motion. Video courtesy of Vaughn Colleluori and Mustafa Khokha, Cold Spring Harbor Xenopus Course,Yale University.

捕捉快速生理过程real-time without missing fast transient events. The enhanced swept-field confocal scanning technology of the standard Opterra II allows for high-speed imaging at hundreds of frames per second. With an appropriate camera, over a thousand frames per second can be achieved.



Opterra II's gentle imaging at full camera rate facilitates high-speed acquisitions over extended periods of time, enabling quantitative measurement of molecular and ionic concentrations using fluorescent reporter molecules.

Calcium response in Xenopus embryo after photoablation wounding of two cells. Cytoplasm loaded with GCaMP (green) and cell membranes labelled mCherry (orange). Two-color image pairs collected at 10 fps. Courtesy of Bill Bement, University of Wisconsin.

Opterra II's unique optical design allows FRAP, photoconversion, photoablation, and uncaging to occur simultaneously with imaging. The wide variety of scan methods provides a tool for any photomanipulation protocol.

GFP Rho (green), Cdc42 mCherry (red) and actin BFP (blue). Max projections of 20 plane Z-series collected in 3 seconds, Z-series collected every 10 seconds for 30 minutes. Courtesy of Bill Bement, University of Wisconsin.

High-Speed Volumetic Imaging
Opterra II的压电阶段有助于以相机框架的速率获取3D堆栈,从而使单层细胞不到一秒钟就可以在不到一秒钟的时间内获取整个多色堆栈,而小型生物体则可以在几秒钟内获取。


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Prairie View软件将超过18年的生命科学应用程序经验纳入了丰富的工具中,以使研究人员能够设计详细和准确的协议以改进实验结果。全访问控件使用户可以优化图像采集的各个方面,以获取速度,分辨率和信号强度。直观的用户界面支持多个维度中简单和复杂实验的流线定义。该系统生成的触发器和模拟信号使人与外部设备无缝相互作用,以进行感觉刺激,电记录和其他实验范式。


The Opterra system gives us fast confocal imaging with higher signal to noise than other available solutions. Our use of a multiphoton laser with the photoactivation module is providing us with a unique opportunity to produce ablations and photobleaching at precise 3 dimensional locations simultaneously with imaging.

英国癌症研究的Daniel Zicha博士


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