

Automated Mineralogy System for micro-XRF


The only automated mineralogy solution for micro-XRF

M4龙卷风amicAutomated Mineralogy System for µ-XRF

Punti Salienti

Measurement area
非常适合钻头或板岩岩石 - 在M4龙卷风的大型低空样品室中不需要分析的抛光或涂层
Minerals in the database
AMICS is pre-loaded with a user-expandable mineral database and uses whole spectrum matching of unknowns to this database

Automation of Micro-XRF Data Colleciton and Phase Identification

M4龙卷风氨的是一个创新的新方法automated mineralogy using X-ray excitation to collect energy spectra for mineral matching. This package matches the ultra-fast high resolution elemental distribution analysis of theM4 TORNADOand the automation and phase classification technology of the AMICS software.

  • M4龙卷风amichas a large sample chamber that operates at low atmospheric pressure requiring only a flat surface with no special coating or polishing. Perfect for slabbed core, hand sample slabs, and thin section billets, or even unpolished grain mounts.
  • Quickly automate repeated measurements with a wide range of sample holders and customized measurement areas.
  • Analyze entire samples to identify mineralogy or phases, characterize textures and associations, apply statistical calculations and report results as maps, charts, and graphs.
  • 创新的频谱树使用户能够对未知阶段进行分类,包括复杂的实心解决方案,边界和混合阶段。



将M4龙卷风amics整合到任何工作流程中,以添加任何准备或未准备好样品的地球化学和矿物图 - 钻头芯,手动样品,方针,薄层和谷物安装。这种创新和健壮的仪器在纹理和元素框架内捕获矿物信息。

  • 出色的痕量元素检测极限和快速测量时间产生<20 µm的分辨率相图,从而赋予快速决策和对样品的下调,以通过AMICS SEM或其他需要较小准备样品的技术进行进一步分析。
  • M4龙卷风amics非常适合测量具有大矿物颗粒的样品,例如粗晶体火成岩或重型矿物沙,在粉碎和尺寸消除Orginial Textural环境之前,可以快速分析
  • 强大的M4龙卷风仪器可以将其前部部署到全球的现场位置;它易于使用,独立且没有消耗品。当配备M4龙卷风友好并与紧凑的SEM和适合现场样品制备工具相结合时,它可以为快速战术决策提供完整的现场岩性和质地分析解决方案。


What is Your Analytical Challenge?



M4 Tornado Amics通过捕获和保存核心被压碎和弄乱的矿物和纹理信息,成为核心表征工作流程中的关键工具。这种原始的矿物质和纹理信息以及从中得出的其他地球化学可用于表征矿石人体几何形状并在勘探环境中发展为矿石的向量。空间分辨的矿物数据允许对传统的散装地球化学和XRD分析进行上下文化,并且与元素映射结合使用,M4 Torando Amics为开发强大的探索模型提供了关键信息。
Industral minerals

Heavy mineral sands analysis

Heavy mineral sands are an important source for zirconium, titanium, tungsten and rare-earth elements. M4 TORNADO AMICS is a unique solution for rapid assessment of modal mineralogy for exploration targets and production. Samples can be analyzed with minimum sample preparation with minerals sorted by size class and mineral. The M4 TORNADO is easy to use and can be installed close to production facilities, resulting in rapid data production for extremely quick tactical decision making.


M4龙卷风amicenables quantitative modal mineral and textural characterization of most geologic samples with micro-XRF. The ability to map large areas quickly allows complete sample analysis with limited bias, providing full confidence in results. Use elemental data and mineral maps as tools for more informed sample selection for SEM-EDS analysis. Target low-abundance minerals in large samples to reduce time and cost in further sample characterization and analysis by EMP and LA-ICP-MS.


Technical details

<20 µm XRF spot 用于聚焦束XRF分析的多维毛细血管X射线焦点 光谱树

Binning and classification of spectra by BSE and energy spectral criteria

C to Am Quantification range on the M4 TORNADO PLUS. Cover most of the periodic table at ppm detection limits. 全面的矿物数据库


全光谱全列表(FSWL)匹配 Spectral matching using the whole energy dispersive spectrum against the whole mineral list 数据收集自动化

Automate data collection from the M4 TORNADO and M4 TORNADO PLUS, including quick-release sample holders and with custom measurement areas



M4 Tornado Amics是Bruker创新的自动化矿物学生态系统的一部分,该生态系统可提供来自Micro-XRF和SEM-EDS的矿物数据。SEM-EDS的Amics将高分辨率BSE与高通量EDS汇集在一起​​,用于自动化矿物学解决方案,可自动化扫描电子显微镜的数据收集和分析。Amics是对结合创新成像和分析的样品进行详细和定量分析的下一代表征工具。