Application Notes - Magnetic Resonance


大麻是大麻sativa L.植物的一种非精神活性形式,用于广泛的应用,其化学成分因此持续了兴趣。特别是,大麻种子既用作食品和药物来源,又有营养概况被认为具有多种健康益处。这导致人们对快速可靠的分析方法的需求不断增长,以表征大麻种子产品中发现的化合物。


大麻是大麻sativa L.植物的一种非精神活性形式,用于广泛的应用,其化学成分因此持续了兴趣。特别是,大麻种子既用作食品和药物来源,又有营养概况被认为具有多种健康益处。这导致人们对快速可靠的分析方法的需求不断增长,以表征大麻种子产品中发现的化合物。



However, qNMR does require the use of internal or external standards. This can present a drawback, as the preparation of stock solutions can be time-consuming. Organic compounds used as internal standards can potentially introduce sample contamination.

To overcome these issues, a team from the University of Calabria in Italy developed a qNMR method. This method uses unlabeled chloroform within isotopically impure deuterated chloroform as an “intrinsic” internal standard.


The team used a Bruker Avance 300 NMR spectrometer with a 5 mm BBO probe with Z-axis gradient coils and temperature control unit. They first created a stock solution in which a pure sample of CBD was dissolved to generate a calibration curve. Using this solution, the team assessed several parameters to confirm the reliability of the method, such as linearity range, accuracy, limit of detection and limit of quantification before proceeding to test their samples. They determined that the CBD concentration of their samples was 1.65 mg/mL in cake extracts, 1.28 mg/mL in hemp seed flour extract, and 2.16 mg/mL in hemp seed oil.

The researchers highlight the technique's ability to provide detailed spectral information without any need for chemical or physical manipulation during matrix sampling or chromatographic methods. Instead, the matrices are directly extracted in the chloroform solution. The approach does not require the use of organic compounds as internal standards, which can introduce sample contamination and is also quick and economical. They say it is likely that it could be used to test for other cannabinoids in hemp seed products.

在这项研究中,研究人员使用了Bruker Avance NMR光谱仪。布鲁克(Bruker)的最新一代Avance技术是Avance Neo,它结合了一系列创新技术,可提供增强的数字控制,改善动态范围以及比以往任何时候都更大的灵活性和可扩展性。
这包括其多接收功能,其中每个NMR通道都充当发射器和接收器。这使每个通道可以同时作为独立的光谱仪和多个实验进行有效运行。Avance Neo还配备了Bruker的行业标准Topspin软件,并且与云通过用户控制兼容。

全球大麻产业显示了巨大的增长es by opening new fields of applications, like pharmaceutical patient treatment. CBD is one of the most promising components in that area. By providing the most innovative technology Bruker enables the Cannabis Industry to ensure a safe and sound supply chain with authentic and consistent raw materials and processed goods including proven efficacy in medical applications.

Siciliano C,Bartella L,Mazzotti F等。源自大麻Sativa L.(Hemp)种子的工业产品中的大麻二醇(CBD)NMR定量。必威东盟体育iop conf。系列:材料科学与必威手机客户端工程2019;572:012010。doi:10.1088/1757-899x/572/1/012010。